New & Improved Recycling Locator

Before California, Connecticut and Rhode Island passed their recycling laws, The Mattress Recycling Council developed a list of recyclers across the country known as the recycling locator. Now that these states have implemented their Bye Bye Mattress program, the locator has grown to accommodate collection sites and collection events, as well as a growing audience of users. More complex listings and a demand for a better user experience both from the general public and industry has resulted in major redevelopments. These improvements include:

  • Personalized Map Display –The locator automatically knows where you are located based on your computer’s IP address. Nearby collection sites and recyclers are immediately visible and differentiated by color coded markers.
  • No More Scrolling for Results – Results are listed beside the map in order of proximity. Collection events are displayed separately.
  • Improved Filtering Capabilities – Only want to see the recycling facilities or places that will accept business/large volume at no-cost? Then check that box. Advanced search also allows further refinement of the results.

In addition to the improved power and intuitiveness of the search functionality and user-friendly results displays, we’ve leveraged the locator’s data to improve other portions of our websites. For example, state pages now display statewide location listings and a map view.

Please visit the new and improved to explore all the mattress recycling options available in your area.

COLLECTION SITES & EVENT HOSTS – Please verify the accuracy of your listing. Contact MRC’s Marketing & Communications with any revisions or questions.